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Security Of Playground Equipment For Kids

Dec 26, 2022

Sixth, security

The safety of children's play and activity places is undoubtedly very important. First of all, the activity venue and surrounding environment should be safe and comfortable, such as roads, paving, water bodies, rocks and plants, etc. should be safe; secondly, the game items in the activity venue should be suitable for children's age characteristics, and those with danger Activities should remind adults to accompany and protect; facilities in the event venue should choose appliances that meet relevant safety standards. Whether children can play happily in a venue depends on adult factors. What adults consider the most is the safety of the playground and game equipment. Therefore, the consideration of safety issues should be placed in an important position in the design. Natural materials should be used as much as possible in the design, which not only increases the safety performance, but also gives children the opportunity to contact with nature.

With the development of the economy and the improvement of living standards in cities and towns in our country, people pay more and more attention to outdoor play, but designers have ignored children's play circle; ignoring that outdoor games play an important role in the development of children's physical and mental health, so children's games The playground should attract widespread attention, and from the perspective of children, a natural and friendly outdoor activity space should be created for them. The design of children's play grounds should focus on creating exploratory, creative, knowledgeable, displaying and so on. Only in this way can children not only find happiness but also increase their knowledge and knowledge in it.


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